Do You Know the Shape of the Inside of Your Golf Shafts?

Frankly, I had never even considered the shape of the inside of a golf club shaft until today. Naturally, the inside of a shaft must be round, right? Not true. This week an interesting patent application published that is directed specifically to non-circular bores of a golf shaft. The application published as USPN 20090215550 titled “Matrix Composite Golf Club Shaft and Mandrel” and describes the invention as….

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Dial-In the Perfect Putter with Acushnet’s New Rotary Dial Putter; Innovative or Gimmicky?

This week Acushnet had an interesting putter patent application publish. Check out this design…. The application published as US Pub. No. 20090215551 titled “Weight Adjusting Structure Of Golf Club Head” and describes the invention as…. I am torn and can’t decide whether it would be fun to play with or if it is a tad too gimmicky…..

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Are Your Shafts Retaining Austenite? Poor Things

Golf shaft technology is as interesting as any golf technology. In fact, I suspect the popularity of golf shaft technology will grow each week as major tournament broadcasts increase the number of slow motion SwingVision videos showing the gyrations of a shaft as a Tour player hacks their ball out of deep rough. This week the Nippon Shaft Company was granted an interesting golf shaft patent. The patent is USPN 7578750 titled “Golf Shaft, Golf Club, and Production Method for Golf Shaft” and explains….. Got that? Time to brush up on your metallurgy! It seems that golf shaft patenting is picking up…..

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I Can’t Identify These Irons, Can You?

I didn’t say “new” irons in the title because I always assume that when I can’t recognize irons it must be because they are a junior, or ladies, set. Plus, whenever I even suggest that something might be “new” someone will undoubtedly email me and point out that they are in fact not new, but rather that there have been at least 2 prototype sets bouncing around on tour for at least a couple of weeks! But heck, dealing with overzealous golfers is half the fun of having this blog.
Well, even after some poking around I can’t identify this iron design as a junior, or ladies, set. Thus, I suppose it is possible that this is a first look at something new (but I have my doubts, and I am sure the readers will confirm these doubts). Nonetheless, check out this iron design….. It appears that the design has a face insert, which generally implies a multi-material, or premium, club. Do you recognize it?…..

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Another Golf Ball Patent Hoping to Eliminate Lost Golf Balls

Readers of the Golf-Patents blog know that I love inventions intended to reduce the number of lost golf balls… primarily because I can’t help asking myself the question… “how many golf balls would this device have to prevent me from losing just to pay for itself?” Not to mention, what would it do to a billion dollar industry that lives on the fact that golfers lose a lot of golf balls. Check out the following past posts on the subject to give you a flavor for what inventors have come up with in the past to eliminate lost golf balls…. Today a patent issued on the subject that actually seems a little more feasible than most of the prior attempts. The patent issued as USPN 7578603 titled “Acoustic Wave Induced Light Emitting Golf Ball” and describes the invention as….. How about the profile of that zero loft hybrid!
….. Interesting, but I would still need to see one work to believe it…..

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More PING Groove Ideas

There has been no shortage of interesting groove inventions lately. For instance, HERE is a post regarding Acushnet grooves, HERE is a post regarding Karsten Manufacturing (aka PING) grooves, and HERE is a post regarding Bridgestone grooves. This week another Karsten patent application published related to grooves. The application published as US Pub. No. 20090209361 titled “Golf Club Heads with Grooves and Methods of Manufacture.” The following figures illustrates the concept nicely….

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Can You Identify This Fairway Wood? I Could Not

Today a design patent issued on a fairway wood that I did not recognize and I immediately thought that I had uncovered something great. Unfortunately, not so. Is your knowledge of fairway woods better than mine? Can you identify the model of this club (not just the manufacturer)?….. Click HERE for the answer. I always fall for that rookie gender-related mistake. Nice looking club, but obviously I could never play one. The drawings come from USPN D598062 titled “Wood-Type Golf Club Head.”….

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Acushnet Weighs in on Groove Designs

Recently I have posted about some interesting groove patent applications by Karsten Manufacturing (aka PING) and Bridgestone. Well, don’t count Acushnet out, as they had an interesting groove patent issue this week. The patent is USPN 7568983 titled “Golf Club Head Groove Configuration.”…. Are you curious as to whose patent application discloses grooves that Acushnet believes to be “poorly engineered?” The Acushnet patent is referring to the grooves disclosed in….

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Bridgestone’s Take on Grooves, and it is Similar to PING’s Take on Grooves

Back in January I authored a post titled “Grooves of the Future?” in which an interesting patent application by Karsten Manufacturing (aka PING) was examined. Check it out if you aren’t familiar with it because it provides some context to the groove designs disclosed in this post. Today Bridgestone had a patent application publish addressing the same issues. The application published as US Pub. No. 20090197700 titled “Golf Club Head,” and explains the invention as…. It is amazing how over 8000 miles can separate golf club designers and yet they can develop, and claim, such similar inventions; although it looks like PING beat Bridgestone to the punch (a July 5, 2007 priority date compared to a January 31, 2008 priority date)! I guess the Golf-Patents blog doesn’t have a large following in Chichibu-shi, Japan.

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Ever Struggle to Get the Second Strap of Your Carry Bag Over Your Shoulder (of course you do, who doesn’t)? Well an Ogio Golf Bag Invention may be the Solution

Familiar with that fish out of water feeling when trying to get your left arm through that second carry strap? (and how it typically occurs when a cute beer cart girl is driving past) Well, Ogio recently received a patent on a device that may eliminate the fish out of water feeling and the odd glances of passersby as it appears that you are practicing your swimming stroke or swinging at flies…..

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Watch Out, Nike Has Some Interesting Designs Up Their Sleeve. Can You Imagine Tiger Playing One of These?

Just when you start to think that nothing will surprise you…. something always does. Today a Nike patent application caught me off guard with talk of adjustments to “change the overall exterior shape.” Do what?
The application published as US Pub. No. 20090186717 titled “Golf Clubs and Golf Club Heads with Adjustable Center of Gravity and Moment of Inertia Characteristics,” and describes the invention as…. Check out these designs…. Amazing ideas, but will any of them make it to market? I suggest they call this line the Transformer, or possibly just SS (for shape shifter)….

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I Can’t Decide, Is This Swing Training Invention a Birdie or a Bogey?

An interesting swing training invention is disclosed in a patent application that published this week, but I can’t decide if this is a really good idea or just another toy to collect dust in the basement. The application published as US Pub. No. 20090181785 titled “Golf Swing Training Apparatus” and describes the invention as…. Got that? Me neither. Fortunately the inventor has a website that includes a paper explaining the dual swing concept, as well as a video. Check it out! Could this help your swing?….

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Bridgestone’s Latest Golf Ball Patent, I Bet You Have Never Seen a Dimple Like This

Golf technology, and the associated research and development, never cease to amaze me. Today Bridgestone had a golf ball patent issue on a dimple pattern designed specifically to maximize distance under low spin conditions. The Bridgestone patent issued as USPN 7559857 titled “Golf Ball,” which describes the invention as…. Check out these dimples…. Fascinating stuff! Finally, a ball for all the golfers fortunate to hit low-spinning drives.

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How Is a High Spin Wedge Designed Without Concern for the Grooves?

Well, I have no idea…. but I will tell you how Japanese club maker K.K. Endo Seisakusho says they can do it; namely, by going against conventional thinking regarding the location of a club head’s center of gravity (CG). Would you ever think that raising the center of gravity of a wedge head would result in more spin? Well, a recently published patent application indicates that increasing the CG height of the wedge above the center of the ball can increase the resulting spin on the ball. The application published as US Pub. No. 20090176596 titled “Wedge Type Golf Club Including Pitching Wedge, Approach Wedge, and Sand Wedge,” and the following drawings nicely illustrate the height of the club head CG versus the center of the golf ball…. The application explains…. Are you a believer?

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Is Your Wedge Lacking the Appropriate Traces?

What’s a trace you ask? Take a look at these figures from a Bridgestone patent application that published today and it will become clear…. Starting to see a trend? There is a lot of real estate between those grooves to capitalize on. Recall my post titled “Does Your Club Face Need Some Engineered Texturing? Taylor Made Thinks So!”….

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An Adjustable Tension Putter Face

Recently a patent application published disclosing an interesting adjustable putter face. The application originates from Korea, so it is not the easiest to read but the drawings help fill the holes. The application published as US Publication No. 20090170628 titled “Head for Golf Putter” and describes the invention as….

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Would These Shoes Have Saved Tiger’s Knee?

There aren’t too many interesting golf shoe inventions, but this is one. Check out the golf shoe design disclosed in a patent application that recently published as 20090165336 titled “Magnetic Swivel Sports Shoes.”…. Interesting invention, but I am not sure those shoes would help my game (and how much would they weigh)…..

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PING’s Latest Vibration Dampening Iron Design

Vibration dampening of golf irons has been a popular subject in golf club patents for the past decade. Recently Karsten Manufacturing, maker of PING brand clubs, had a patent application publish disclosing a club head design that they have been working on to reduce club head vibration. The patent application published as US Pub. No. 20090156324 titled “Golf Club with Cavity, and Method of Manufacture.” Check out this design…. Frankly, I go to as many demo days as I can and I hit as many irons as possible, yet….

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Callaway is Still Working on the “C-Shaped Golf Club Head”! I am Starting to Think that it has a Shot of Actually Making it into Production

Regulars of the blog may recall a post titled “Is This Callaway Driver Radical Enough for You?”, as well as the follow-up post titled “Callaway Received a Patent on the ‘C-Shaped Golf Club Head’; Will This Club Actually Make it to the Market?”.
Well, when it comes to the giant golf companies it is easy to dismiss a real radical club design that is only seen in a single patent application as a design that was dreamt up in R&D and will likely never make it to the masses. However, once I start to see multiple patent applications on similar technology, then I begin to wonder…. “Are they are serious about this design? Heck, they have already made a significant investment in protecting the intellectual property. Perhaps this will actually make it to market!” Those are the thoughts that fired through my head yesterday when another interesting Callaway patent application published as US Pub. No. 20090163294 titled “Driver with Deep Aft Cavity.” Check out this design!…. Perhaps this club may actually see the inside of a golf shop!

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An Update: Could It Be PING’s New G15 or i15?

Last week I reported on some possible designs of the next PING driver. Well, this week another design patent issued that may give us an even better idea of what the next generation of PING drivers may look like. The patent that issued this week is USPN D594919 titled “Golf Club Head.” Check out these figures…. Combine those drawings with some of the figures last week and you can start to get a sense of what PING may have in mind…..

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A Training Aid for All the Followers of the “Stack and Tilt” Methodology

I have to admit that I purposely avoid reading all the hype regarding “stack and tilt;” after all, my game has bigger issues (like the inability to hit a decent wedge shot). However, I do know that some golfers swear by “stack and tilt” and say that it has changed their games. Well, this week an invention was granted a patent that is designed just for all you “stack and tilt” lovers. The patent is USPN 7547257 titled “Stack and Tilt Footwork and Body Pivot Training Aid.” Check out this training aid….

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A PING Golf Bag That Would Sell, But Would You Want a Golfer in Your Group to Have One?

I have no doubt that young golfers would buy the PING golf bag described in a patent application that published this week as US Pub. No. 20090152144 titled “Golf Bag Having Shoulder Strap With An Electronic Device.” The application described the invention as…. A cassette player? Really? Check out these drawings….. Interesting invention that would be nice to have on the range or when playing by yourself, but please not when playing in a group!

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Will Callaway Move Away from Their HEX Aerodynamics Technology?

Most golfers can look at a pile of unlabeled golf balls and easily identify the Callaway balls because of their unique HEX aerodynamic technology; but in the future will we be seeing more traditional circular dimples on Callaway balls? One could be led to that conclusion after reading a Callaway golf ball patent that issued this week as USPN 7547259 titled “Aerodynamic Pattern for a Golf Ball.” Here is an interesting bit of history from the patent…. I did not know that is where ATTI originates. The patent describes the invention as….

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Could It Be the New PING G15 or i15?

Karsten Manufacturing, maker of PING brand golf clubs, had 3 design patents issue today. Interestingly, the patent applications were filed less than 5 months ago, leading me to believe that these patents may give us a peak at some new PING products in the pipeline. The first two patents, namely USPN D594,520 and USPN D594,521, are directed to the ornamental design of drivers, whereas the third patent USPN D594,518 appears to be directed to a hybrid with a design unlike any previous PING hybrids. Check out these designs…..

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Test Your MOI Knowledge & Check Out Some Creative Acushnet Club Head Designs

In the past I have profiled some rather unusual, some may say unique, golf club designs by Callaway, Taylor Made, and Bridgestone; however I have never reported on any Acushnet patent applications disclosing club head designs that lean toward the unconventional. Today is a new day and an Acushnet patent application published yesterday that will make you think. The patent application published as US Pub. No. 20090149276 titled “Metal Wood Club With Improved Moment of Inertia” and described the invention as…. OK, that description does not do justice to the club head designs that you are about to see…..

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Adidas, TaylorMade, Callaway, and Ecco Sued for Golf Shoe Spike Patent Infringement

Many golfers would be surprised by the amount of litigation concerning patents on golf shoe spikes; just check out these prior posts (post 1, post 2). In the latest round of litigation Greenkeepers takes on Adidas, TaylorMade, Callaway, and Ecco. These defendants are in good company in that Acushnet, Softspikes, Nike, and MacNeil Engineering (maker of Champ Spikes) have all also been sued by Greenskeepers….

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Is Callaway Getting into the Movable Weight Technology (MWT) Game? Is this Callaway’s new Wing Notch Weighting (WNW)?

Roughly one year ago I noticed that Callaway had filed a trademark application for the WING NOTCH WEIGHTING mark. What could it be? Well, this week a Callaway patent application published that may give us a look at the Wing Notch Weighting™ system that may be coming out in the new FT 11, or perhaps the FT-MACH 11, FT-JET, or FT-BLACKHAWK….. The patent application that became public yesterday published as US Pub. No. 20090143167 titled “Golf Club Head With Adjustable Weighting, Customizable Face-Angle, and Variable Bulge and Roll Face.” The application summarizes the invention as…. Now, check out this design…. Interesting. Callaway must be tired of all the TaylorMade MWT advertisements; but will this design make it to market?

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Freddie’s New Prototype Bridgestone Driver?

Probably not, but what a radical club for Bridgestone! Check out the driver disclosed in a patent application that published last week as US Pub. No. 20090137338 titled “Wood-Type Golf Club Head.”….. The application says it all with the following: “Besides, the head appearance has an unprecedentedly peculiar shape that attracts the attention of a bystander, but a golfer who uses this head does not feel the peculiar shape at address.” Think this design will make it to market?….

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Selling Billions of Dollars Worth of Golf Balls Puts a Huge Target on the Back of Acushnet

Titleist’s A.I.M. (Alignment Integrated Marking) sidestamp is coming under fire! As we all know, golf equipment can never have enough acronyms! The A.I.M. sidestamp is that convenient line ending with arrowheads to help golfers align their putts. Lombardi Golf Designs is alleging that the alignment sidestamps on the…. Bet you would have never guessed Titleist’s alignment line would be the subject of a golf ball design patent infringement lawsuit! (me neither)….

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Is it Just a Matter of Time Before Everyone is Wearing This Invention on Their Golf Shoes?

Probably not, but check out this invention!…. Wow, check out that hosel wrap! When was the last time you had a club that looked like that? The drawings come from a patent application that published yesterday as US Pub. No. 20090119857 titled “Golf Clubhead Cleaning Device.” The application describes the invention as…. No offense but this invention looks like the type of thing that a golfer gets as a gift from a non-golfer….

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Have You Seen the New Rife Drivers?

Well, neither have I…. but a recently published patent application may indicate that Rife Putters is looking to branch out. Today Mr. Rife had a patent application publish that may give us an idea of what he has been thinking about; namely, the soles of metal woods. The patent application publishes as US Pub. No. 20090124410 titled “Sole Configuration for Metal Wood Golf Club.” The application describes the invention as….
So, is Guerin onto something new, or should he stick with designing putters?

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Round 2: Inventions Directed to Controlling the Lower Body During a Golf Swing

Yesterday I posted about an invention designed to keep a golfer’s leading leg under control. Today let’s take a look a recently patented invention designed to keep the trailing leg under control. The invention is found in USPN 7517287 titled “Golf Swing Improvement Device.” Check it out….. Which invention would you find most helpful? I am leaning toward the _______ invention, but why not combine them!

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Round 1: Inventions Directed to Controlling the Lower Body During a Golf Swing

What is more important during a golf swing, controlling the movement of your leading leg or your trailing leg? Beats me. Heck, if I knew then I would be a much better golfer. The reason I ask is that the USPTO records reveal two recently disclosed golf training inventions that take different approaches to controlling a golfer’s lower body. The first invention is disclosed in a patent application that recently published as US Pub. No. 20090105005 titled “Golf Swing Training Device.” Check it out…. What do you think? I am not sure that I would buy it, but I would give it a try.

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If Priced Under $15, Sign Me Up!

Every now and then I come across a golf training invention disclosed in a patent application that makes me say “I would buy that (assuming it is priced right).” It happened last week when I came across the invention found in US Pub. No. 20090105004 titled “Inertially Responsive Golf Club Head Mounted Device for Instructing Correct Club Face Direction & Swing Speed.” Check out this nifty device…. Pretty cool little device, but what would you pay for it?….

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Sir Charles, This Invention is for You!

Have you been watching The Haney Project: Charles Barkley show on TGC? If so, you have probably seen Charles hit some decent shots when Hank is standing over him holding his head; and you have probably also seen Charles hit some less than perfect shots as soon as Hank steps away. Last week a patent application published that made me immediately think of poor Charles. The invention disclosed in US Pub. No. 20090105006 titled “Training Apparatus for Improving a Golf Swing” seems to be made for him. Check it out!….. Now if only they could throw a set of wheels on it so Charles could attach it to a cart and pull it around the course…..

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Callaway Received a Patent on the “C-Shaped Golf Club Head”; Will This Club Actually Make it to the Market?

Recall last year’s post titled “Is This Callaway Driver Radical Enough for You?” Well, last week Callaway was granted a patent on the “c-shaped golf club head.” Amazing design!…. The fact that Callaway paid the fees necessary to get the patent issued makes me think that they may actually produce this club! Heck, I would give it a try….

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Familiar with Golf’s Magic Lines?

The inventor listed on a recently published patent application wants to educate golfers on “golf’s magic lines.” The application published as US Pub. No. 20090098953 titled “Method for Teaching a Golf Swing Using Simple Thought Imagery and Very Limited Body Awareness.” What, “thought imagery” and “limited body awareness!” Initial thoughts…. a little airy fairy. See what you think….

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Want to Reduce the Scatter of Your Tee Shots? Author of Several Golf Club R&D Books Receives Interesting Elastic Club Head Patent That May Help Out

Are you familiar with Dr. Frank D. Werner? He is the author of a handful of books (example 1, 2) on golf club engineering, and was one of the early supporters of square drivers (see THIS prior post). Based upon his bio, I would bet that Frank is one smart guy. Well, Frank was recently granted an interesting patent; namely, USPN 7510486 titled “Elastic Head Golf Club.” As you can imagine, the title caught my attention. The patent describes the invention as…. Check out this design…. Great stuff, but will this elastic golf club make it to market?

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Do Your Shafts Have Enough Fullerene? Perhaps Insulting Senior Golfers Is a Good IP Strategy

Can you identify this molecular structure?…. Luckily, the golf shaft designers at SRI Sports know the molecular structure of fullerene. Yesterday, SRI was granted an interesting golf shaft patent; namely, USPN 7517288 titled “Golf Club Shaft.” The patent describes the invention as…. The patent goes on to explain the need for this new shaft design (and insult senior golfers at the same time)…. Who knew fullerene was so handy! Talk about some brain power going into shaft design….

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Forget About Dual Durometer Grips; How About Variable Durometer Grips!

An interesting golf grip patent recently issued. The patent is USPN 7510483 titled “Golf Club Grip,” and describes the invention as….. Perhaps “grip fitting” will become as common as club fitting and ball fitting. I wouldn’t mind being able to adjust the way that my grips feel. It would be interesting to know if these grip designs were ever determined to be USGA conforming….

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What’s Your Vector Victor? Check Out SRI Sports’ Swing Diagnosis System

Recently SRI Sports (the parent company of Srixon and Cleveland Golf) was granted an interesting golf swing diagnosis system patent. The patent is USPN 7502491, which describes the invention as…. Time to brush up on your pixel binarization to extract shaft motion using a movement vector…. Cool stuff! It is just a matter of time before all golfers have access to low cost self-service swing diagnosis systems.

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Grab Your Tape Measure, Patent Issues on the Proper Way to Determine the Ideal Shaft Length

OK, you start by measuring (i)….(vi) you do the Hokey-Pokey, and you turn yourself around, that’s what it’s all about! But seriously, according to the German inventor listed on USPN 7510490 titled “Method for Determining Length of the Shaft of an Individually Adapted Golf Club” those are the measurements you need to properly determine a golf club shaft length….. Ahh, now I see my problem…. I have never properly accounted for the curvature of my spine!

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Can You Identify This Driver?

It has been a while since I have tested your golf club knowledge, so here we go. This club should be easy to identify given the huge quantity of advertisements and commercials. The following drawings come from a driver design patent that issued yesterday. Do you recognize this club?…..

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Several uPlay Technologies’ (now Callaway) Patent Applications Publish, What Is The Next Step in Golf GPS Devices?

Earlier this year Callaway Golf acquired uPlay Technologies and launched the new Callaway uPro website. In the past couple of weeks two uPlay patent applications published giving us the first look at uPlay’s intellectual property. Could one of these applications provide us with a glimpse at the future of golf GPS devices?…..

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Everyone Wants a Piece of the Golf GPS Market (Including Qualcomm)

Qualcomm had an interesting patent application publish this week. The application published this week as US Pub. No. 20090082139 titled “Methods and Apparatus for Determining Distances to Selected Targets on a Golf Course Using a Wireless Communications Device,” which describes the invention as…. I know, that is a pretty benign description from the Abstract of the application and it is hard to identify anything unique…. Seems like a lot of the same, but I like the idea of a direction vector as discussed in paragraph [0029].

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It is Just a Matter of Time before We See Rory or Anthony Kim Wearing the “All-In-One Golf Belt” on Tour

Ahh, a patent application directed to incorporating Velcro or magnets into a belt to secure your golf glove, ball marker, repair tool, or ball pouch. I wonder if this application will ever grow into a patent. Regardless, it is entertaining. Check out these drawings…. What the heck is that attached to the right side of the belt above? It looks like either the foot of a chicken or the smallest golf glove I have ever seen!…. Has this inventor never ruined an expensive golf shirt by accidentally rubbing it with the Velcro of a golf glove? Confirmation that golfers are nuts (myself included)!

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Can You Guess How Much Force is Applied to a Golf Ball as the Cover is Cast Around the Core?

Well, it is far less than I would have guessed. For Acushnet, the answer is approximately (guess) pounds of force. The answer comes from a patent application that published this week; namely, US Pub. No. 20090072437 titled “High Speed Casting of a Golf Ball Layer.” The application describes the invention as…. The application does a great job explaining the typical golf ball manufacturing process…. The answer to the question posed in the title comes from the following paragraph….

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Need a Few More Thoughts in Your Head as You Address the Ball? Try Wondering About Whether Your Ball has a Dimple Pattern Based on a Hexagonal Dipyramid Polyhedron!

Welcome to my world. It is a miracle that I can swing a golf club with all the fascinating (some may say “useless”) golf information floating around in my head! Several of the more interesting golf patents that issued this week concerned golf ball dimples. One in particular will make you realize how little you remember from trigonometry class. On Tuesday Acushnet was granted USPN 7503856 titled “Dimple Patterns for Golf Balls.” The patent describes the invention as…. If “hexagonal dipyramid polyhedron” didn’t make your eyes gloss over, then give the patent a glance to refresh your knowledge of inverse tangents, Reynolds Numbers, and aerodynamic coefficients. I am not sure whether a job researching and designing dimple patterns would be cool and exciting, or would make me insane.

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DeLaCruz Golf Designs Granted Putter Design Patent Today

Familiar with the DeLaCruz SweetSlot line of putters? If not, check them out because they deserve a look. Well, today DeLaCruz Golf Designs was granted a design patent on some form of the SweetSlot putter. I say “some form” because the alignment features on the putter in the patent do not seem to match those of any of the putters on their website. The patent is USPN D588658 titled “Golf Putter With Slotted Head.” Check it out…. Personally, I prefer their blade versions over their cavity backs, but they all look sweet!

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The New Plop Golf Centered Shafted Hosel Technology…. Breakthrough or Fluff?

Recently Plop Golf has reemerged on the golf scene touting a new Center Shafted Hosel (CSH) technology. As with anything new, some have questioned whether the CSH technology is marketing hype or truly a technology improvement based upon sound engineering. I will let you be the judge of that. This week a patent application published directed to Plop’s new CSH technology. Oddly, the Plop Golf home page says “Introducing the new CSH Patented Technology,” and another page states “The new PLOP RSVP 2 debuts with the patented CSH (Center Shafted Hosel) technology.” Readers of this blog know that there is a big difference between having a patent application filed, and therefore being “patent pending,” versus having an issued patent, and therefore being a “patented technology!”….

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If One Shaft is Good Then Two Shafts Must Be Better…. Right? The Wedge and Putter Edition

Back in December I wrote a POST about a dual shafted driver. Never did I think that I would be writing a post about a two shafted putter and wedge just a few months later. I recently discovered USPN 5547196 titled “Two-Shafted Golf Wedge Club and Method for Using Same.” Check out these clubs!….. There may be something to this invention, but boy would you get some odd looks from fellow golfers on the practice green.

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What Has This Inventor Been Smoking?

What would be your reaction if a member of your foursome started using their putter as a pipe (probably not to smoke tobacco)? Recently I came across USPN 6454661 titled “Golf Club with Smoking Pipe Attachment.” The patent describes the invention as…. Interesting use of a putter that would never have crossed my mind. Seems like something that was invented during a case of the munchies.

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Do You Really Understand the Technology in Your Golf Shaft? Harrison Sports Granted Interesting Golf Shaft Patent

Golf shaft technology is fascinating, partly because it is so misunderstood. Well, this week Harrison Sports, Inc. was granted a shaft patent that may provide you with an inside look at some of their unique technology. The patent is USPN 7497786 titled “Golf Club Shaft Having Multiple Metal Fiber Layers,” presumably directed to their reinforced graphite shafts. The patent explains….

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Hot New Golf Swing Practice Device or Next Big Flop?

Any patent applications including “golf-bat” in the title get my immediate attention. This week a patent application published with the title “Golf-Bat for Centrifugal Golf Swing” (US Pub. No. 20090054171). The application describes the invention as…. Check out these drawings…. The application explains (bear with some odd sentence structure, probably some translation issues)…. So, hot product or flop product? It doesn’t look like it would hurt my swing, so I would give it a try….

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Callaway Has Balls with Deep Apertures!

OK, I don’t know if they have them, but they have thought about them! This week Callaway was granted USPN 7494428 titled “Golf Ball,” which describes the invention as…. Check out this drawing showing the deep apertures extending through the cover and into the core….. The patent contains an interesting explanation of the golf ball manufacturing process…. Interesting stuff, but unfortunately the patent doesn’t explain the benefit associated with deep apertures extending through the cover and into the core. Bummer….

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A Patent on a Method for Correcting a Golf Swing Using the Internet

Really, a patent issued today directed to a method of correcting your golf swing over the internet. I know, hard to believe. The patent is USPN 7494430 titled “System and Method for Correcting Golf Swing Using Internet” and describes the invention as…. Nothing a few flowcharts can’t clear up!…. Got it? Check out this claim from the patent…. Holy mackerel, it seems like it would be hard to infringe that claim!

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Is Golden Tee at Risk? A Golf Game That Can Serve Double Duty and Help You Pick the Ideal Clubs for You

Recently a patent application published that combines the best of a virtual reality golf game and the technical data of a launch monitor. The patent application published as US Pub. No. 20090036237 titled “Golf Gaming Systems and Methods” and explains…. Pretty cool but will this take the place of Golden Tee in your local bar?

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Is It The Next ZeroFriction Tee?

Today an interesting golf tee design patent issued to Excel Golf Products, owners of the ZeroFriction line of tees, and Tocare line of grips. Check out this design…. Looks like it would require delicate placement of the ball! The golf tee patent that issued today is USPN D586411 titled “Golf Tee.” Definitely not a lot of contact between the ball and the tee, which should be a good thing….

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A Triple Threat; Head Cover, Swing Training Device, and Wind Sock!

The idea of incorporating some type of drag chute into a training aide seems to be a pretty popular idea; just check out THIS previous post. Recently a patent issued on a more discreet variation; you know one that doesn’t scream “hey look at me and my fancy training aide!” In fact, USPN 7479068 titled “Golf Swing Training Device” nicely incorporates the “drag chute” concept into a head cover. The patent explains…. Check out these drawings from the patent…. From the look of those last two drawings it seems that this device can also be used to catch butterflies….

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This Club May Be A Tough Sell, Even for Callaway (but I would give it a try… for sure)

While reviewing the golf club patents that issued this week I came across a Callaway patent titled “Golf Club Head with Alignment Line.” I immediately assumed it was yet another putter alignment system patent. Since putter alignment systems are generally pretty innovative I immediately clicked on it to learn more. It only took a split second to notice the language “[t]he golf club head is preferably a driver or fairway wood, and preferably has a volume of 250 cubic centimeters to 475 cubic centimeters.” What… an alignment line for a driver or fairway wood! The patent describes the invention as….. Ahh, the old switcharoo! Make you think the face is open when it is actually closed, and vice versa. Now your clubs really will be playing mind games with you out on the course! Check out these drawings…. How about calling it the FT-i-Need-2-B-trkd-2-hit-r-str8?

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Looking to Get a Little Extra Distance Out of Your Drives? Perhaps You Need an “Assistive Energy Type Golf Club”

An interesting patent application published today under the title of “Method and Apparatus for an Assistive Energy Type Golf Club” (US Pub. No. 20090029793). The application explains that getting extra distance is simply a matter of timing; or more precisely the timing of an explosive charge, the release of a compressed spring or compressed gas, or other “assistive energy” means. The application explains…. I know that the day will come when I can no longer produce my picture perfect, silky-smooth, powerful, Tiger-esque golf swing, and when that day comes I hope that these types of clubs have been perfected so that I can still get out and enjoy some time on the course…..

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A Bridgestone Golf Ball Fitting Patent Application Publishes! Should Contain All Sorts of Cool Ball Fitting Information, Right?

Wrong! I wanted to read about all the cool stuff going on behind the computer screen. You know, relationships among launch angles, spin rates, ball speed, swing speed, ball hardness, influences of multi-piece ball construction, etc. Nope, none of that interesting information in this patent application; it is more like a softball marketing piece…..

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Want to Read Greens Like Camilo Villegas but Don’t Have the Back for It, or Is the Belly Getting in the Way?

Having trouble reading the greens? If so, an invention disclosed in a recently published patent application may be just what you need. The application published as US Pub. No. 20090017943 titled “Golf Green Reader” and included these drawings….. The application describes the invention as…. I would suffer the embarrassment of lugging one of these around if it could shave at least 2 strokes off my round.

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Proof That No Business Can Ignore Patents; Greg Norman Interactive Named in Patent Infringement Lawsuit Regarding a “Size Adjustable Hat!”

Watch out, if you wear a Greg Norman straw hat style GNS8AC20; you may be a patent infringer!
Last week the Bollman Hat Company filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Greg Norman Interactive, LLC regarding the sale of the Greg Norman straw hat. You may read the Complaint HERE.
The patent that is allegedly infringed is USPN 5426789 titled “Size Adjustable Hat.” The patent describes the invention as….
PS – Greg, if you are reading this (as if)…. I just happen to know a patent attorney that would be happy to defend you in exchange for a week on Aussie Rules and one golf lesson. Sounds like a bargain to me.

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Golf Balls With Grooves; Truth or Fiction?

Truth! Just consider the disclosure in an Acushnet patent application that published today. The patent application published as US Pub. No. 20090017941 titled “Golf Ball Surface Patterns Comprising Multiple Channels” and contained the following drawings….. Bet you haven’t seen a golf ball like those before. The application explains….. What will they think of next?

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Talk About Alternative Energy! Why Not Generate Electrical Power From The Impact Of A Golf Club And Golf Ball?

Generally it is easy to dismiss golf ball locating systems as impractical or technically impossible. Recently I was about to dismiss yet another such patent application simply from the abstract and title, but upon scratching the surface I realized that there was an awful lot of technical disclosure in the application. This is a generally a sign that the application is directed to an actual invention rather than a nice idea supported only by smoke and mirrors. You be the judge. The patent application that I refer to published as US Pub. No. 20090003136 titled “Impact Energy Powered Golf Ball Transmitter.”…. Sounds crazy, right? Well, don’t dismiss it just yet; the listed inventor has roughly 20 issued patents, with many directed to mobile communication systems for major companies. He seems to have the credentials. The application goes on to explain…. Pretty cool idea that I would love to see make it to market, but I would have to see it work to believe it.

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Grooves of the Future?

Grooves, grooves, grooves…. they have definitely been a hot topic for the past year at the USGA, which by default means they have been a topic for the club makers! Therefore, it should be no surprise that we are starting to see some interesting groove related inventions. Karsten (aka PING) has come up with a rather interesting groove related invention disclosed in a patent application that published today. The application published as US Pub. No. 20090011852 with the title “Grooves with Multiple Channels and Methods to Manufacture Grooves of a Golf Club Head.” Check out these groove designs….

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How Is Your Knowledge of Electromagnetic Field Theory, Soddy Circles, and Circle Packing Theory? Fortunately Acushnet’s Golf Ball Engineers Know a Little About These Subjects

An interesting golf ball patent issued yesterday to Acushnet. The patent is USPN 7473194 titled “Dimpled Golf Ball and Dimple Distributing Method” and describes the invention as…. Like most golf ball dimple related patents, it is full of interesting information. For instance…. I just can’t explain why I find this stuff fascinating! Next time you are on the tee, look at your ball and ask yourself “are those dimples placed on the regions defined by a great rhombicosidodecahedron?”

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Is Foam the Future of PING? Probably Not, But Check Out This Interesting Karsten Manufacturing Patent Application!

In the past I have posted about some pretty unusual Callaway designs (here) as well as some rather unique Taylor Made designs (here). This week Karsten Manufacturing (aka PING) steps up to the plate with a surprising design. Last Thursday a patent application published as US Pub. No. 20080318707 titled “Golf Club Head with Foam Core.” I wasn’t surprised by the title because every week there are several “odd” golf club related patent applications that publish. I was surprised when I clicked on the link to view the application and saw that it was a Karsten / PING patent application! Is a foam core PING driver in the future?…..

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More Entertaining Golf Patent Drawings

How many oddities can you spot in this drawing from a patent directed to a golf club for shots within sixty yards of the green?….. The drawing comes from USPN 6605006 titled “Golf Club” which describes the invention as….. ANSWER…. The lesson: if you are going to spend the money to patent your golf invention, at least work with people that are golfers!….

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Is It A New Nike Putter? (Update – Apparently Not)

I will be the first to admit that it is hard to keep up with all the different putter models that are launched every year. In fact, it is often difficult to associate an actual putter product from the major putter producers with many of the newly issued putter design patents. This is due in part that many companies wisely apply for patent protection as soon as a new design looks promising; often before a decision is made as to how, or if, the new design fits into the planned product line-up. This week an interesting Nike putter design patent issued that I could not associate with any of their existing product offerings. The patent is USPN D583431 titled “Golf Club Head.” Check out this nice design….

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