Blog Posts

Day 6 of 2020’s Golf Product Buzzwords; The Balls Edition
Continuing with the theme of the “Day 5” post regarding golf ball product and technology names we may see in

Day 5 of 2020’s Golf Product Buzzwords; The Balls Edition
The first 4 days of the “2020’s Golf Product Buzzwords” have been directed to product and technology names associated with

Day 4 of 2020’s Golf Product Buzzwords; The Most Intriguing Name
Golfers have come to expect that each new driver must include at least 3 “named” technologies, and I use “technologies”

Day 3 of 2020’s Golf Product Buzzwords – LUXE & ICON
Can a product name turn off potential consumers? Absolutely. Just like when you meet a person that can’t stop patting

Day 2 of 2020’s Golf Product Buzzwords – DUCK’Z NUTZ
The name of a new sports equipment product can make or break it. Those that have tried to name 5+

Day 1 of the 2020’s Golf Product Buzzwords – CYCLONE SHAPE
Since we are coming to the end of 2019 it’s the time of year that die-hard golfers start turning their

After a Dry Spell, We Have Some Interesting Putter Patent Litigation
Yesterday Evnroll Putters, LLC filed a patent infringement complaint alleging that Karsten Manufacturing Corporation, d/b/a PING, is infringing USPN 9,943,735.

New Golf Patent Infringement Lawsuit Drops During the PGA Show
The timing of this lawsuit may raise some eyebrows. On Tuesday, True Spec Golf LLC and Club-Conex LLC filed a

Do Any of the Major Golf Equipment Companies Have the Balls to Enter the Non-Conforming Equipment Market?
Will the Major Golf OEM’s Enter the Non-Conforming Equipment Market? Patents applications directed to clearly non-conforming golf equipment are not

The Latest Scotty Cameron Putter “Innovation”?
I kid… design patents aren’t about “innovations,” but rather simply new and unique ornamental product designs / features. Check out

“I am Just Developing a Smart Phone App; I Don’t Need to Worry About Patent Infringement.” Sure… Go With That
Over the years I have learned that every app developer who creates a totally new app from scratch feels it

A Machine Learning Golf Band; Guess Who Invented It?
Are you ready for a wristband wearable that learns to distinguish your practice swings from your impact swings? Almost sounds

A Golf App That I Could Actually See Myself Using
Most golf apps are a dime a dozen; you use them religiously for about a month and then they are

Ugh, More of the “Kings of _____” Tagline Coming Our Way
Well, it appears that we will be subjected to more “Kings of” advertising in 2019. Take a guess as to

The Origins of the Modern Adjustable Driver – Guess the Year
Remember back in 2009-2011 when most of the major golf equipment manufacturers first launched adjustable drivers allowing us to fine

Will We See This Iron Technology in 2019? Take a Guess Who Developed It
Check out this iron design disclosed in a patent that issued earlier this month. The patent explains: The technologies described

Does the Golf Ball of the Future Have a Variable Thickness Cover?
In the golf industry the term “variable thickness” generally relates to the thickness of the face of a golf club,

Day 9 of 2019’s Golf Product Buzzwords
Take a guess as to the company intending to use the BULLY name in association with golf clubs. Click HERE

Dogleg Right Corporation Is At It Again, This Time With a Patent Infringement Lawsuit Against SIK Golf
No stranger to patent infringement litigation, this week Dogleg Right Corporation sued SIK Sports (dba SIK Golf) alleging infringement of

Day 8 of 2019’s Golf Product Buzzwords
Day 8 of this series brings with it my favorite name so far. Take a guess as to the company