A Couple of Christmas Related Golf Inventions

Merry Christmas! I thought I would find some interesting inventions that combine golf and the Christmas spirit. Should be easy, right? Nope, but here are two inventions that have at least some link to Christmas and golf. Would you use a Christmas tree shaped golf club carrier? The inventors of USPN 6032999 titled “Golf Club and Accessory Carrier” hope that you will. Check out this carrier….

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Hotter Than The ProV1 Litigation? Ever Heard Of The Swingless® Golf Club?

Lately the golf patent litigation scene has been a little slow. Perhaps that has changed with an exciting case filed this week concerning golf clubs that I did not know existed. OK, exciting may be a bit of a stretch, but did you know that there is a market for golf clubs that you don’t swing? Check out THIS website to learn about the Swingless® golf club. Also, click HERE to read the Complaint that explains the bizarre relationships among the parties of the lawsuit. The patents at issue are USPN 5522594 titled “Ballistic Impeller Golf Club;” 5816927 titled “Variable Range Device For A Ballistic Impeller Golf Club;” 5924932 titled “Ballistic Impeller Golf Club;” and 6139440 titled “Cartridge holder For A Ballistic Impeller Golf Club.” That’s right…. a ballistic impeller golf club! One of the patents describes the invention as…..

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Do You Sell Used Golf Clubs Online? If So, This Patent Application Should Be Of Interest To You

Ever heard of Global Value Commerce, Inc.? Me neither, but a quick Google search reveals that it is the company that owns and operates the popular GlobalGolf® website. Well, this week GVC had an interesting patent application publish giving us an inside look at some intellectual property that GVC would love to own outright. The patent application published as US Pub. No. 20080313051 titled “Online Preowned Golf Club Sales.” The title alone piqued my interest. The application summarizes the invention as….. It will be interesting to see what the USPTO has to say about this application; and whether it issues as a patent!

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A Practice Putter That Looks Pretty Good

An interesting patent application published this week directed to a training putter. At first I thought it looked crazy, but the more I read about it the more I started to think that it might be a pretty good idea. The application published as US Pub. No. 20080305880 titled “Golf Swing and Putting Stroke Training Device and Method.” Check out this practice putter design…. The application explains….

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Cool Golf Grip Patents Don’t Come Along Everyday, So Check This Out!

This week Eaton Corp., parent company of Golf Pride, was issued a rather interesting golf grip patent. The patent is USPN 7458902 titled “Changeable Golf Grip.” I know…. I also said “what is a CHANGEABLE golf grip?” Before we dive into the invention, a bit of background is in order….. OK, so the idea sounds smart, but how is it implemented? Well, the patent explains…. Interesting concept, but I am not sure I like the part about “a modified (reduced length) golf club shaft.”…..

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Golf Club Shaft Technology, The Least Understood Golf Technology

How well do you understand the technology behind golf club shafts? If you are like most golfers, then you might know a few buzz words like kick point, torque, and flex, but probably don’t understand the impact that various construction techniques have on a shaft’s properties. This post is not intended to explain the ins and outs of shaft technology (after all, there are a lot of people infinitely more qualified than me to explain those things). However, click HERE to learn what those common buzz words actually mean. This post is intended to introduce what may, or may not, be an interesting new shaft construction. The shaft construction is disclosed in a patent application that recently published as US Pub. No. 20080287212 titled “Golf Club Shaft and Method of Fabricating the Same.” The application explains….

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Another Interesting Patent Pending Putting Stroke; Doesn’t Every Putter Grip Need a Ball at the End?

Patent applications directed to unique methods of putting always grab my attention. Perhaps it is because no matter how bad I am putting I would never think that I should just try unconventional methods of holding and swinging the putter until my putting improves (probably a result of close my minded engineering education rather than a creative artistic education). Luckily, creative people do exist, but I don’t think we will see this stroke on Tour anytime soon. The most recent patent pending putting stroke is disclosed in a patent application that published as US Pub. No. 20080248892 titled “Putting Method and Apparatus.” The application discloses the invention as….. Would you ever think of resting one of your hands on your thigh? Check out these drawings….

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The Next Hot Putter on Tour? Get a Grip!

One of the things that makes golfers so interesting is that we are always looking for that one easy fix to gain 5 more yards, hit one more fairway, save one putt per round, and on, and on,…. I am guilty of it. It is the same mentality of many investors that always believe there is one hot stock tip out there that will make them rich beyond their wildest dreams. Unfortunately, I am also guilty of this. Now, sure I am smart enough to realize that there is no magic piece of equipment that is going to fix my game, but you know what – it is fun looking for it that magic bullet and trying different pieces of equipment…. Boy, that grip and those figures remind me why I don’t allow comments to be left on this blog…. they are just too ripe for a lot of easy jokes!…..

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You Will Have to See the Latest Published Acushnet Golf Ball Patent Application to Believe It!

Check out these golf ball dimple variations….. The drawings come from an Acushnet patent application that published last week as US Pub. No. 20080261725 titled “Golf Ball Dimples with Spiral Depressions.” The patent application describes the invention as….. The patent application provides an excellent explanation of the drag and lift associated with a golf ball…..

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Interesting Driver Designed to Prevent Hooks and Slices… Think It Will Make It To The Market?

Check out this driver…. These drawings are from a patent application that recently published as US Pub. No. 20080171610 titled “Golf Club for Preventing Hook and Slice” and describes the invention as…. The application goes on to explain the following (some of which I am not buying)…. Interesting design, but I have the feeling I have seen similar driver designs before (not too mention putter designs)….

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Have Enough Fiber in Your Diet? How About in Your Golf Ball?

Is it the next ProV? I doubt it, but Acushnet did have an interesting golf ball patent application publish this week. The application published as US Pub. No. 20080254913 titled “Golf Ball With A Translucent Layer Comprising Composite Material,” which includes the following description….. OK, a golf ball with a composite layer that includes fibrous material (which may be ferromagnetic)! Pretty cool. The application goes on to explain….. Next time you take a violent swing at one of those innocent white balls, think of the amount of R&D that goes into producing a commercially successful golf ball!

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Ultra-Compact Collapsible Golf Pull Cart

A pretty cool compact collapsible golf pull cart was disclosed in a recently published patent application. It looks like a genius design that achieves a very compact storage arrangement; but my initial reaction is that the transformation to and from the storage position may be a little cumbersome and time consuming. See what you think…..

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Driver of the Future? Probably Not

I have heard that some golfers cannot hit the ball on the club head sweet spot. Hard to believe, I know. Well if you are one of those unfortunate golfers then the club disclosed in USPN 7070514 titled “Golf Club Head Having Internal Impact Assembly” may be just what you need. The patent describes the invention as…..

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Everyone is Looking for a Magic Way to Reduce Golf Ball Spin Produced with a Driver; Is This the Answer?

Last year I wrote about a patent directed to a golf ball lubricant (click HERE). Hard to believe… I know. Well, this week a patent application published that may give the “golf ball lubricant” invention a run for its money. The patent application published as US Pub. No. 20080234063 titled “Method of Reducing Golf Ball Spin.” So, what is the secret behind this invention’s reduction in spin? The application describes the invention as….. Interesting, so how did the inventor come up with this invention? Judging from the figures below, I am guessing someone had a long wait on a tee box and an extra tube of Chapstick….

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Think You Know A Little About Golf Shafts? This Patent May Change Your Mind, Unless You Really Know Your Flexural Rigidity

SRI Sports was granted an interesting golf shaft patent this week that is a little on the technical side. Would you ever have guessed that this much engineering goes into designing a golf shaft? The patent is USPN 7427240 titled “Shaft for Golf Clubs and Golf Club” and describes the invention as….. Now, think about that the next time you are standing over your ball on the first tee…..

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Can You Identify This Driver?

Marketing types always say… it is all about brand recognition. I suppose “brand recognition” is slightly different than “design patent drawing recognition,” (ok, more than slightly) but they are not entirely unrelated. The following drawings come from a driver design patent that issued yesterday. Do you recognize this club?….. Admittedly, they do not have the brand recognition that they once had; but one player has been slowly changing that……

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Now Here Is A Driver That Will Put A “Smile” On Any Golfer’s Face

The following club head design comes from a “creative” South African inventor. The inventor was granted USPN 5944620 titled “Golf Club” in 1999. Check out this club!…. And now you know where the “smile” reference comes from. I suppose this club may work for those of us that have a tendency to occasionally hit the ball toward the toe or heel of the face.

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Attention Cold Weather Golfers, This Club May Be Just What You Need

We all know that feeling to hitting that first ball on a cold day. The sting that starts at your fingers and travels down to your toes. A pair of inventors decided to take a stab at eliminating the feeling that you just struck a rock at 100 mph. Their invention is disclosed in USPN 5899818 titled “Temperature Compensated Golf Club Head,” which describes the invention as….. Interesting concept, but I would need to see it work to believe it.

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Golf Club Head of the Future? Probably Not, But Interesting Nonetheless

Did you ever see the photo of an alligator that died trying to swallow another alligator? The problem was that they were both about the same size. Well, recently I came across a patent application disclosing a club head that reminded me of the alligator photo. The club head design looks like one club head unsuccessfully trying to swallow a second club head. Check out this club!….

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How Well Can You Judge the Grain of a Green? Perhaps This Ball Marker Invention Will Help

I have enough trouble reading the break of greens, let alone factoring in the grain. However, if you are one of the golfers that is good enough to actually take the grain of a green into account then this ball marker may have some appeal to you.
The invention is disclosed in a patent application that published last week as US Pub. No. 20080207356 titled “Ball Marker Used to Ascertain Grain Direction of a Putting Surface.” Check out this description of the invention (it is actually very educational)…..

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An Inflatable Air Bladder for Under Your Golf Grips…. Necessary?

I was just starting to think that there were enough golf grip variations to make everyone happy. Apparently David Cera does not agree. He is the inventor listed on a recently issued golf grip related patent; namely USPN 7407444 titled “Method for Cushioning the Grip of a Golf Club, and Apparatus for Practicing the Method.” The patent describes the invention as….

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A New Twist on an Old Training Technique

It seems like every golfer has fought the chicken wing in their golf swing at some point in their life; and there is no shortage of training aides directed at solving the problem. Interestingly, many golfers end up reverting back to the golf towel or head cover tucked in the armpit. In fact it is not unusual to see professionals on the range practicing this technique. A recently published patent application takes a more elegant approach to treating the chicken wing problem. The patent application published as US Pub. No. 20080153615 titled “Golf Training Apparatus” and describes the invention as….

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Do You Care if Your Tee is Perfectly Level?

I don’t. In fact I always heard that you should tilt the tee forward or backward to influence the backspin imparted on the ball. However, since I could not find any decent information on the subject, I suspect that it may be an old wives tale. Having a perfectly level tee is important enough to one inventor that he filed a patent application on his tee design. The patent application recently published as US Pub. No. 20080161137 titled “Golf Tee” and describes the invention as…. You can probably guess what the tee looks like…. This patent application also serves as yet another hard lesson as why inventors should not prepare and file patent applications themselves unless they thoroughly understand patent law. The following is the single claim from the patent application….

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It Pays to Know the USGA Equipment Rules

Familiar with the USGA Rules on Clubs & Balls? Well, if you intend to invent and market a golf product then you should familiarize yourself with the Rules. One of the Rules is often simply referred to as the “plain in shape” rule and reads as follows…. The USGA also publishes a Guide to the Rules on Clubs & Balls, which provides nice examples interpreting the Rules. The following is an excerpt from the Guide offering some assistance in interpreting the “plain in shape” rule…. Now, with that bit of background check out this recently issued design patent…. The patent is USPN D574455 titled “Golf Club Putter Head.” So do you think it conforms to the USGA Rules?….

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Golfers and Their Cigars

While I am not a cigar smoker, I do have to admit that this invention looks like a pretty handy device and an easy sell. The invention was granted a design patent today; namely USPN D575449 titled “Support for Cigars and the Like on a Golf Cart.” Check it out…..

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My Tour of the USGA Research and Test Center

Last week I was very fortunate to a get tour of the USGA Research and Test Center in Far Hills, NJ. The Senior Technical Director Dick Rugge led the tour and provided a great explanation of the role of the Center, as well as a breakdown of the testing and research performed at the Center. On my drive to the Center I was amazed at just how beautiful Far Hills New Jersey is, and felt like I was entering a quaint university as I turning up the street leading to the USGA headquarters. Check out these photographs of the amazing USGA campus….. The Research and Test Center is housed in a separate building on the campus that is loaded with high technology toys that would put a grin on the face of any golf gear-head…..

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Another Adjustable Club, This Time a Putter With Lie Adjustability – But Don’t Think It Is a New Concept

An interesting adjustable putter patent issued this week, just check out this design…… The invention comes from USPN 7410423 titled “Golf Club Having An Adjustable Shaft Angle” and describes the invention as….. Pretty ingenious design but don’t be fooled into thinking this is a new “concept,” just check out the putter found in USPN 1352020 from 1920!…..

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Putter Alignment Features Are Getting More and More Creative

It seems like the latest hot trend in putter designs is unique alignment features, but not necessary features that help you align the putter with the ball and the hole. Rather, the trend seems to be directed to features that provide feedback to the user regarding their stance and stroke. One putter with such alignment features recently issued as USPN 7393285 titled “Putter with Alignment Means.” The patent describes the invention as…..

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What Are The Odds of Two Golf Cleat Patent Infringement Lawsuits on the Same Day? This Time Softspikes Takes on the Makers of Champ Spikes

Amazing, I just got done posting about Trisport, Ltd. suing Greenkeepers concerning USPN 6810608 titled “Shoe Cleats.” Now, it turns out that Softspikes sued MacNeill Engineering (a.k.a. Champ Spikes) on the same day in the same court, also for golf cleat patent infringement! What are the odds? On Tuesday Softspikes sued the makers of Champ Spikes for infringement of USPN 6052923 titled “Golf Cleat” and USPN 6167641 titled “Athletic Shoe Cleat.” Click HERE to read the actual Complaint…..

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Golf Shoe Spike Patent Infringement – This Time Greenkeepers is on the Receiving End

One year ago I wrote about a golf spike patent infringement lawsuit in which Greenkeepers sued Acushnet (FootJoy) and Softspikes for alleged patent infringement of USPN 6530162 titled “Sports Shoe Cleats.” Click HERE to review the post. Interestingly, this was not the first lawsuit centered on the ‘162 patent. Yesterday Greenkeepers found themselves in a different position; namely that of a defendant in a patent infringement lawsuit brought by Trisport, Ltd. concerning USPN 6810608 titled “Shoe Cleats.” Click HERE to read the actual complaint filed in the Delaware District Court.
Would you ever have guessed that the golf shoe spike / cleat market would be so competitive and litigious? True golf equipment gear heads may be interested in learning how the Trisport Fast Twist system works. Check out the following description and drawings from the patent….. Goodness, it is getting to the point that I have a hard time keeping track of all the golf industry patent infringement lawsuits!

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The First Bounty From The Golf-Patents.com Bounty Hunter Program; A Chance to Earn $750 for Your Knowledge of Golf Clubs

I am pleased to offer the first Bounty from the Golf-Patents.com Bounty Hunter Program and hope that it is claimed. The details are as follows: Bounty: $750…. Deadline: Submissions must be received by 5:00 EST August 1, 2008 ….. Quantity: Only one bounty will be awarded. The first submission meeting the criteria herein will be awarded the bounty within 1 week of notification that that the submission met the Bounty Criteria….. The Bounty Criteria are as follows….. Good Luck!

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Lamkin Grips is Now in the Crosshairs of Grip Master (another golf grip patent infringement case)

Back in December I reported (click here) on a patent and trademark infringement lawsuit brought by The Grip Master Co. Pty Ltd. of Australia against TheGripMasterUSA. The patent at the center of the dispute is USPN 6449803 titled “Grip for a Handle or Shaft.” The patent is directed to an underlisting (or core) designed for wrapped grips, as seen below. Well, Grip Master obviously does not shy away from lawsuits and they have now sued Lamkin Grips alleging infringement of the same patent. Click HERE to read the actual Complaint……

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The Wealthiest Golfers Recognize the Importance of Building and Protecting Their Brand – Take a Look at The Shark’s Trademark Portfolio

Becoming a golf superstar comes with its fair share of responsibilities, including building and protecting your personal brand. The most financially successful golf celebrities know how to capitalize on their brands via trademark protection and licensing, and there is no doubt that Greg Norman is one of the best at it. A simple search of the US Trademark Office’s records reveals that Greg Norman’s Great White Shark Enterprises has 41 records with the Office, 23 of which are LIVE records. The LIVE records list includes….. So, don’t feel too bad for Greg in light of his performance on Sunday at The British Open, he is obviously a very smart and successful businessman. Just think of the advertising value that his brands received this weekend, not to mention all the exposure for MacGregor! Interestingly, Greg has his hands in everything from sunglasses and meat to grass and restaurants! Perhaps tennis equipment is next…..

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The Strike N Swipe Patent Application Publishes

Remember the Strike N Swipe reusable impact tape from The Golf Channel’s “Fore Inventors Only” show? If not, check out the impressive Strike N Swipe website, complete with David Leadbetter endorsement. In my prior posts (here, and here) I affectionately referred to the product as the million dollar reusable impact tape because on the show the inventor explained that he had almost one million dollars invested in the product (which blew me away). The following was my review of the Strike N Swipe from the very first episode….. Then, the Big Break Contestants provided their thoughts on the product during the 4th episode….. So, why the walk down memory lane? A few weeks ago the Strike N Swipe patent application published as US Pub. No. 20080153617 titled “Sports Impact Point Indicator.” The application describes the invention as….. Boy, a few of those extreme heel impacts look like they were taken right from my clubs!…..

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Bridgestone Hosel Bling! What Are They Thinking

Have you ever thought to yourself….. my “hosel does not have any gorgeousness or sumptuousness?” Gorgeousness.…. Sumptuousness….. What! (apparently some words don’t translate well, who knew) A few weeks ago a Bridgestone patent application published as US Pub. No. 20080153622 titled “Golf Club Head Having Decorated Hosel and Golf Club Using Same” and it left me thinking to myself…. “this is so bizarre that I must not be smart enough to appreciate the genius of it!” The application explains….. I would love to see Freddie Couples show up at a Major with his clubs sporting this hosel bling!

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How’s Your Golf Posture? This Invention May Help You Improve It

Yet another interesting golf training device patent application. Boy, they are a dime a dozen; and I, like most golfers, would try almost anything to improve my game. The invention disclosed in the application that published as US Pub. No. 20080146364 titled “Device for Correcting Golf Swing Posture” is unlike most training aids in that it is directed to the lower body. The application describes the invention as….
I am not totally convinced that this invention would help my game, but I would give it a try.

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Five Odyssey Putters Come Under Fire in an IP Infringement Lawsuit

Ever heard of EZ Line Putters? Me neither, although I have to admit…. they look pretty nice. Plus, EZ Line Putter owns USPN 4962927 titled “Putter Head.” So, which Odyssey putters have come under fire? Well, the Odyssey White Hot XG #7 putter, the Odyssey White Hot XG #7 Long putter, the Odyssey Black Series I #7 putter, and the Odyssey White Hot Sabertooth putter have been accused of infringing the ‘927 patent. Plus, the White Hot XG Marxman Blade putter is the subject of trade dress infringement and unfair competition claims. The ‘927 patent describes the putter as….

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A Mizuno Golf Ball Design Patent Issues…. Do They Even Sell Golf Balls?

As I have mentioned in the past, design patents directed to golf balls are not very common, and design patents directed to a particular dimple design are even more rare. Well, last week Mizuno had an interesting golf ball design patent issue; namely USPN D572322 titled “Golf Ball.” Check out these figures from the patent…….. Frankly, I did not even know that Mizuno was in the golf ball business, and you would never know it from the Mizuno Golf website. Interestingly, Mizuno has received at least 10 US patents directed to golf ball patents in the past 3 years. Additionally, Mizuno does have over 20 golf balls listed in the USGA records of conforming golf balls. Interesting! Is this a sign of things to come? If so, hopefully it will bring down the price of golf balls.

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Club Face Adjustability, Is It The Next Big Thing?

Almost a year ago I published a post on what may be the next step in club head adjustability; namely, coefficient of restitution (COR) adjustability, or the ability to adjust the stiffness of club’s face. Interested? The prior post posed the following hypothetical: Perhaps you really loosen up the face during your practice rounds to gain a few extra yards and carry those fairway bunkers, then turn around the next day and bring it back into USGA conformance for the club championship. It doesn’t sound too realistic, but then again… ten years ago a square driver might not have seemed very realistic. The same could be said for 460 cc club heads and titanium faced irons….. The latest patent describes the invention as ….. Obviously Acushnet feels there might be something to this technology. I can’t wait to see when, or if, it makes it to market!

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The Swiss Army Knife of Golf Inventions

How many possible uses for a “portable golf caddy” can you think of? Perhaps two or three? Well, a recently published patent application discloses a “portable golf caddy” invention that has at least 10 different uses. While I can’t imagine ever purchasing the device, it is the type of gift that you may receive from the non-golfer in your life (so there may be a market for it). The patent application published as US Pub. No. 20080146367 titled “Portable Golf Caddy” and describes the invention as…. Check out these drawings!…..

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Another Putter Design Patent….. Can You Identify This Putter? A Tough One

How good are you at identifying a particular brand of putter when all the logos and trademarks are stripped off the club head? I was starting to think that I was pretty good at it until coming across USPN D571878 titled “Golf Putter Head.” The figures below come from the ‘878 patent that issued recently to a major producer of clubs. Can you identify the brand of putter?

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Remember the Golf Ball Gun from “Fore Inventors Only” Fame?

Ahh, the good old days…. Remember that crazy golf ball gun from the “Fore Inventors Only” show that looked as if Stina broke her hand when she fired it? Here is my review from my prior post….. Frankly, I recall being surprised that he had a patent application filed on the launcher. So, imagine how surprised I was to see another patent application recently publish on the invention. The most recent application published as US Pub. No. 20080099004 titled “Pressurized Air Shooting Device” and describes the invention as….. So, do you think this inventor will ever recoup his investment in two patent applications? I have to admit that it would be kind of fun to take one of these out on the course; that is until the Ranger noticed and banned me from the course for life.

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The Future of Golf Grips? Survey Says, Not Likely

An interesting golf grip patent application recently published as US Pub. No. 20080127459 titled “Apparatus For Gripping An Instrument Having An Elongate Handle.” I wonder what the USGA would have to say about this grip. The application describes the invention as…. Check out these drawings! I can see its applicability to hammers much more than golf clubs.

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Finally, Just What Every Golfer Has Been Waiting For….. The Golf Club Urinal

I recently saw a post on a golf blog about the UROClub and chuckled (sorry, can’t recall which blog it was). Then almost fell out of my chair when a few weeks later I came across a published patent application on the device. The patent application published as US Pub. No. 20080127402 titled “Urinal Apparatus Including a Simulated Golf Club” and describes the invention as….. Check out these drawings….. I know that it is probably 100 percent spill-proof, but I am not comfortable risking any spillage on my grips or bag. (Perhaps when I am older) Although, the fact that it was invented by a urologist does give the product an extra level of credibility, but $50! It would make a good gag gift for the senior golfer in your life.

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Yet Another Swing Training Aid…. Yet Another One That I Would Try At Least Once

I often wonder, “is there money to be made in golf training products?” There must be because the number of golf training aid patent applications is through the roof! A recent training aid patent application published as US Pub. No. 20080139332 titled “Golf Training Aid,” and describes the invention as…. The following drawings do a better job of explaining the invention….. I would try it, but wouldn’t buy it.

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Some Golf Club Inventions Make Me Shake My Head and Say…. Even If It Were USGA Conforming, There is No Way This Club Would Help My Game

That is just what I said when I came across one rather unique golf club disclosed in recently published patent application US Pub. No. 20080132349 titled “Golf Club Head having Concavely Curved Face.” Check out these drawings!….. The application describes the invention as….. Do you think this club would help your game?

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A New Callaway Fairway Wood? Perhaps

A few weeks ago a Callaway design patent issued that made me scratch my head and say “what club is that…. I don’t immediately recognize it so it must be one for the ladies or the juniors.” Well, I still don’t know, but it definitely has a sole configuration unlike any clubs they currently have in the US market. It may the design of new product offering. The patent is USPN D569941 titled “Golf Club Sole.” Check out this sole design…..

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Is This Callaway Driver Radical Enough for You?

Earlier this week I posted about a Taylor Made patent application disclosing a pretty radical driver with fins. Well, Callaway has stepped up to the plate this week with a patent application disclosing a driver that is even more radical! Check out this Callaway driver design!….. The published patent application that may be giving us a sneak peak at future Callaway drivers published yesterday as US Pub. No. 20080139336 titled “C-Shaped Golf Club Head.” So, will the finned Taylor Made driver or the C-shaped Callaway driver make it to market first?

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The Future of Taylor Made Drivers? Will This Design Ever Make it to Store Shelves?

I never thought I would live to see the day that a Taylor Made driver had fins! OK, I haven’t actually seen fins on a Taylor Made driver; just drawings of a finned driver from a Taylor Made patent application. If a finned Taylor Made driver does make it to market I am sure they will make it look cool and will overwhelm golfers with enough marketing hype that we all end up believing that we can’t live without it. The published patent application, that may be giving us a sneak peak at future Taylor Made drivers, published last week as US Pub. No. 20080132355 titled “Golf Club Head Having Ribs.” Check out these drawings……. Can you believe it?

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A Vibration Reducing Golf Glove…. Sound Pretty Good?

Few golfers ever consider the time and effort that has gone into the design of the golf glove they use and abuse until it is so worn, tattered, and sweat stained that it is callously
discarded in the nearest trash can. Perhaps this post will help you “appreciate” your golf glove as a unique piece of golf technology designed to improve your game, rather than simply that crumbled
up crusty piece of leather and Velcro that is stuffed into your golf bag after the round. Acushnet recently had an interesting golf glove patent application publish as US Pub. No. 20080109934 titled “Vibration Reducing Golf Glove.” The title sounds pretty good, right? The application describes the invention as….. Now, next time you put on your trusty golf glove, look at it affectionately as a piece of technology engineered to improve your game, not just a blister preventer!

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A Second Golf Bag Related Patent Infringement Litigation Case in Less than 2 Months! This Time Bag Boy Takes on Sun Mountain

Last week Dynamic Brands, LLC (doing business as The Bag Boy Company) brought a declaratory judgment action against Sun Mountain Sports regarding Sun Mountain’s patent USPN 7131534 titled “Golf Bag and Strap System.” Click HERE to check out the patent, and click HERE to read the Complaint. It appears the dispute began when Sun Mountain’s counsel sent a letter (click HERE to read) to Bag Boy alleging infringement of the ‘534 patent. Bag Boy then responded with a polite email to Sun Mountain (click HERE to read) inquiring if Sun Mountain would license the patent if indeed Bag Boy was stepping on the patent. In response, Sun Mountain had their attorneys make it clear that licensing the patent is not an option, Sun Mountain wants Bag Boy’s sales of these particular straps to cease immediately and any inventory must be destroyed (click HERE to read). Not surprisingly, Bag Boy then filed a Declaratory Judgment action seeking a declaratory judgment that Bag Boy does not infringe the patent and that the patent is invalid (click HERE to read the Complaint), and Bag Boy sent Sun Mountain a nice letter explaining Bag Boy’s position and letting them know that they have been sued (click HERE to read). Gone are the days of the cease and desist letter; yet some people refuse to accept it, or don’t care about controlling the location of litigation. The patent describes the invention as…..

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Is the 107th US Open Winner Angel Cabrera a Patent Infringer? All PING Rapture Users May Be…..

Ahh, more golf industry patent infringement litigation; the stuff that makes attorneys smile. The PING Rapture is the latest target of patent infringement allegations. Yesterday VyaTek Sports, Inc. sued Ping, Inc. and Karsten Manufacturing Corporations for allegedly infringing two of VyaTek’s patents. Click HERE to read the actual Complaint. The patents-in-suit are USPNs 7207354 and 7314067, both titled “Design and Manufacturing Method for Multi-Material Tube Structures.” The patents describe the invention as…..

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Interesting Putter UTILITY Patent Issues on a Putter that You May Recognize

On Tuesday an interesting utility patent issued on a pretty popular putter design. OK, “pretty popular” may be a stretch, but it is a pretty “unique”, or distinctive, putter that true
putter aficionados will likely recognize. The patent is USPN 7374497 titled “Golf Putter Head With Visual Alignment System.” Do you recognize the putter brand?….. (figures) …… Click here for what is probably the answer. I say “probably” because the patent is assigned to Sienna Sport Limited of Northern Ireland, not the company that owns the linked website. At first blush the product and the patent seem so similar that I suspect there is a licensing or distribution agreement between the two companies. The patent describes the invention as…..

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