Another Invention for the “Just What Every Golfer Needs” File

On Thursdays I often find myself muttering “who could possibly need that” as I am looking through the golf-related patent applications that just became publicly available. However, then I snap back into reality and remind myself that whether or not a person actually “needs” a product has very little to do with its success. After all, who needs a $400 driver, a Cameron putter, or $40/dozen golf balls?

This internal dialogue most recently played out when I came across a patent application for a “Multipurpose Golf Divot Tool.” (US Pub. No. 20100113175) After shaking my head, and mumbling to myself, I came to the realization that this may be the perfect impulse buy for the non-golfer. Admittedly, I can’t imagine any of the golfers that I know actually buying the product, but it is the type of thing that every non-golfer would think is the perfect present for a golfer.

The patent application describes the invention as:

A multi purpose golf tool adapted for repair for pitch mark type depressions in turf of a golf course. The tool employs an angled engagement of a handle and forks to a body to obtain mechanical advantage for forcing turf upward to repair turf depressions. A bottle opener and pop top opener are also provided. The device is also adapted to hold a cigar and to maintain a club shaft in an elevated position above the turf using an arched engagement of a handle end.

Honestly, can you even buy bottles on any golf courses anymore; and a pop top opener, really! Ah, but there I go again letting my rational side get in the way of acknowledging that someone will probably make a fortune off this little gadget. Best wishes!

Dave Dawsey   – Monitoring Golf Ball Pitch Mark Repair Inventions

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