Yet Another Swing Training Device Patent… I Can’t Decide Whether it Would be Helpful, Hurtful, or Useless
This week yet another swing training device invention was granted a patent. I can’t tell if it would be helpful, hurtful, or neither. The patent is USPN 7261653 titled “Golf Swing Training Apparatus” and describes the invention as:
The present invention provides a training apparatus and method for improving the stance of a golfer throughout the golfer’s swing. The apparatus comprises a shaft pivotally connected to a base so that the shaft pivots about a pivot point along a plane to increase or decrease the angle formed by the base, the shaft, and the pivot point. A golfer stands on the base and straddles the shaft so that the leading foot is behind the shaft nearest the pivot point, and the non-leading leg is in front of the shaft thus preventing an over-rotation of a golfer’s hips during the performance of a back swing and keeping the golfer’s arms in front of the golfer’s chest so that the golf club does not become trapped behind the golfer.
Check out this drawing of the device.

I bet the great instructors like Harmon and Leadbetter secretly have a few of these in their garage(s)…
David Dawsey – Monitoring Golf Inventions