Yet Another Swing Training Device Patent, but This One Could be Beneficial
This week a simple collapsible alignment device was granted USPN 7241228 titled “Golf Swing Alignment Device.”
The patent describes the invention as:
The devices and methods help a golfer to properly position a golf ball and to properly execute a swing, increasing the likelihood of an accurately hit golf shot. Golf swing alignment devices of the invention are collapsible such that they can be stored within a golf bag when not in use. The invention relates generally to the field of golf and more particularly to a device and method for aligning a golf ball directly at a target while also aligning a golfer’s feet and shoulders properly to the target line.
Check out this drawing of the device.
The invention is so simple and convenient that I could see this selling. It would be convenient for the range, as well as for illustrating my poor alignment on those dreaded angled tee boxes. Congratulations.
David Dawsey – Monitoring Golf Training Device Patents