Who Wouldn’t Want a “Golf Chariot?” Well, In This Case – ME
The term “golf chariot” inspires visions of a majestic transportation device for cruising around a golf course like it is your kingdom. Unfortunately, the chariot described in a recently published patent application did not quite live up to what I had envisioned. The patent application recently published as US Pub. No. 20100176574 titled “Golf Chariot for Individual Transport on a Golf Course,” which explains:
The proposed invention is intended to provide Golf players with an easy to use, effective and economical solution that allow the player to decide at any time during the game, whether to walk or to ride; this flexibility is the main value of this idea. Basically the idea is to add a wheeled platform to an electric golf cart enabled to steer by varying the power to the wheel; the result will be a sort of modern “chariot “: a two-wheeled platform drawn by an electric golf cart. The player will be able to ride on the platform or to walk as usual, accordingly with his/her wish. The platform can be lifted at any time with just one hand.
Now, check out this marvel of modern transportation!

Interesting, I guess. Now, if it actually worked, I suppose it would be pretty fun, but I would still prefer to ride a Segway golf cart around the course.
David Dawsey – Monitoring Golf Cart Inventions
PS – check out other golf cart related posts here, here, here, here , and here