What’s Scotty Been Up To?
Over the years I have only covered a couple of Scotty Cameron’s inventions; check out the posts titled “Am I the Only Golfer That Thinks Scented Golf Grips are Unnecessary?” and “Would You Play A Scented Golf Grip That Feels Like Jelly? Scotty Cameron Thinks So.” Well, recently Scotty had a patent application publish that isn’t directed to a putter or grip design, but rather to a system for analyzing a putting stroke. The application published as US Pub. No. 20090221379 titled “Method and Apparatus for Determining Golf Ball Performance Versus Golf Club Configuration in Accordance with a Golfer’s Individual Swing Characteristics” and includes the following description and drawings:
An apparatus and method is provided for analyzing a golfer’s individual swing attributes and determining, based on that analysis, a suitable golf club configuration for that golfer. The swing analysis apparatus include video cameras for obtaining video images of a golfer swinging a golf club, such as a putter, at a golf ball. Images obtained from the video cameras may then be analyzed to determine what golf club dimensions will provide improved results in combination with the golfer’s individual swing characteristics. The apparatus may additionally include a golf club having predetermined dimensions. When such a golf club is included, images from the video cameras may be analyzed to determine how the golf club of known dimensions must be adjusted to provide the golfer with desirable swing results. The apparatus may also include a method for confirming the dimensions that it is believed will provide a golfer with improve swing results.
Interesting. It seems that the novelty of the system is that it includes a force plate that the golfer stands on during the stroke so that weight distribution information may be included in the swing analysis.
Dave Dawsey – Keeping an Eye on Golf Putting Inventions
PS – check out other golf grip patent related posts here