What is Wrong with this Patent Drawing? (… what happens if your patent lawyer / drafter isn’t a golfer…)
How about a little humor to get you through the mid-week blues?
The following drawing comes from USPN 6755345 titled “Golf Handicap Smart Card System.” Do you see something that is not quite right? (scroll way down in the post for hints)
![](<BlogInfo:URL />/images/22847-21779/20070912.jpg” width=700 border=0><BR><BR><BR></DIV><br />
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HINT #1: look at the golfer that is putting
HINT #2: look at the ball that the golfer is putting
HINT #3: why is the ball on a tee? Here is the enlarged view.
Everyone Has Heard of Hybrid Golf Clubs, but What About Hybrid Golf Balls
Golf Grass Patents Are Far and Few Between… A Post for the Golfer with a Green Thumb
HINT #3: why is the ball on a tee? Here is the enlarged view.
![](<BlogInfo:URL />/images/22847-21779/20070912b.jpg” width=700 border=0><BR><BR>Rather interesting!<BR><BR> </DIV></p>
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