Want to Read Greens Like Camilo Villegas but Don’t Have the Back for It, or Is the Belly Getting in the Way?
Having trouble reading the greens? If so, an invention disclosed in a recently published patent application may be just what you need.
The application published as US Pub. No. 20090017943 titled “Golf Green Reader” and included these drawings:

The application describes the invention as:
A Golf Green Reader is disclosed. The device is available in two versions–one that is elongated, is sized similar to the length of a golf umbrella and allows the user to site the putt line while standing, and a second version that is handheld. The device includes optics to provide the user with the ability to site along a laser-pointer line and focus, zoom and obtain a wide-angle view of the cup from the ball location. The device further overlays an image that aids the user in holding the device in a level position while siting along the putt line. The image overlay includes symbology that indicates current spacial orientation of the device, the desired spacial device orientation and the direction to correct the device orientation.
I would suffer the embarrassment of lugging one of these around if it could shave at least 2 strokes off my round.
Dave Dawsey – Keeping an Eye on Golf Equipment Technology