The First Mention of This Club Manufacturer on the Golf-Patents Blog… Can You Identify These Irons? Two Challenges in One Post!
It is hard to believe that this club maker has not been previously mentioned in a post. In the past this particular manufacturer did not seem to be big on golf club design patents, however they may be turning over a new leaf… they have had 3 club head design patents issue in the past 5 weeks.
The figure below comes from a US golf club iron head design patent that issued on Tuesday to a major producer of clubs. Can you identify the brand of irons?

Click here for the answer, and click here to check out USPN D550316 titled “Recessed Back Portion of a Golf Iron.”
A few weeks prior the same manufacturer received a design patent on this design…

Can you identify this iron? Click here for the answer, and click here to check out USPN D549295 titled “Recessed Back Portion of a Golf Iron.”
Congratulations, nice designs.
Dave Dawsey – The Design Patent Attorney