Fascinating IP of the Week – Interesting Golf Grip and Glove Patent Issues

Yesterday USPN 7207894 titled “Golf Club Gripping Aid and Method of Use Thereof” issued to inventor Marmon Pine.

The patent describes the invention as a golf grip, device, and method to hold a golf club shaft in a manner to avoid pinching the golf club shaft between the fingers and the thumb of the dominant hand. The invention includes a golf glove that has the thumb and index finger attached to one another. The glove is designed to be used in training and actual play to provide an improved grip which encourages a proper swing of the club.

I know… my initial reaction was very skeptical. It is a very odd concept, but something told me to investigate further. A quick Google search of the inventor’s name led me to the Marmon Grip website. Low and behold there is an actual product based upon the technology and it is pretty interesting. I must admit, I would give it a try.

Interesting concept, patent, and product. Congratulations Marmon Grip.

David Dawsey – Golf Glove Patent Lawyer

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