Everyone Has Heard of Hybrid Golf Clubs, but What About Hybrid Golf Balls
A golf ball patent recently issued under a title that got my attention… “Hybrid Composite Golf Ball and Method of Manufacturer.” The patent is USPN 7255655, which is assigned to Element 21.
Sure, everyone wants that golf ball with the perfect feel… but, have you ever thought to yourself… “self… if only I could selectively mix flakes of varying metal alloys into the cover of my ball I would be able to tune my golf ball for just the right feel?” “Do I feel like my titanium alloys golf balls… perhaps the aluminum alloy ball would be more suited for today’s humid weather… better yet, why don’t I just use my old stand-by, the nickel based alloy golf balls.”
I doubt that many people ever considered metal flakes as being the missing ingredient from the perfect golf ball. (explaining the reason that Element 21 was granted the patent)
Check out this figure from the patent.
I can’t help but wonder how much a sleeve of these balls would cost.
Congratulations Element 21, interesting concept!
Dave Dawsey – The Golf Attorney