Don’t Make Enough of an Impression Pulling in the Course Parking Lot with TruckNutz Hanging from Your Hitch?
TruckNutz novelties hanging from a trailer hitch definitely make a statement. If it is actually a statement that you want to make, and you want to make it on the course as well then you may want to consider the MySack golf ball holder. After all, nothing screams “I need attention” like a replica scrotum hanging from your golf bag. Nonetheless, a design patent was recently issued on the “accessory bag;” namely, USPN D620,253 titled “Golf Ball and Accessory Bag” and contains the following drawing:

It would be kind of fun to clip one of these on the bag of a competitor to throw them off their game. Can’t you just imagine Phil clipping one on Tiger’s bag in the middle of a round? Even funnier would be if Christina Kim could sneak one on the bag of Paula!
David Dawsey – Keeping an Eye on Golf Inventions
PS – click HERE to read interesting golf ball patent posts