Concerned That Your Tee Height is Not Perfect?
Some golfers are meticulous about the elevation of their golf ball on a tee. Personally I love watching these golfers when they arrive at a tee box that is just a little bit uneven.
Are you “that guy?” You know, the one that gets to the tee box and tees up on the far right edge, takes a practice swing, decides that the ball is too low, raises the tee, then tries to tilt the tee slightly forward to gain that extra six inches on the drive, the ball falls off the tee, tees up again, takes another practice swing, and then decides that the tee box is not level on the right side, or too spongy, and proceeds to repeat the process on the left side of the tee box.
Don’t be ashamed; scratch that, you should be ashamed, however you are not alone as evidenced by a patent application that recently published as US Pub. No. A device (10) for inserting a tee (T) into the ground so a golf ball placed on the tee is consistently at a desired height. A post (12) of the device extends vertically when set on the ground and a tee holder (14) fit on the device moves vertically relative to it. A tee is inserted into the holder for insertion into the ground. A stop (16) installed on the post is vertically movable to adjust the depth to which the tee is inserted into the ground. The stop is locked in place once a desired depth is determined and the holder is then pushed down the post until further movement is blocked by the stop. Movement of the holder presses the tee into the ground to the desired depth with a golf ball subsequently set upon the tee now being at a desired height above the ground.

And look, it also serves as a divot repair tool!

Honestly, I would think someone was pulling my leg if they pulled one of these out on the tee box.
David Dawsey – Watching Golf Tee Patents
PS – check out a similar device HERE