Can It Be? A Stocking Stuffer Type Golf Training Aide That Looks Pretty Good…
As a golfer whose game fluctuates from marginal, at best, to horrible (as my playing partners will attest from my first round of 2008 that I played on Thursday), I view most training aides with a skeptical eye. After all, I have tried a lot of things and the only thing that seems to help my game is a lot of time on the range and a lot of rounds. Therefore, I could not believe it when this week a golf training device patent issued and I found myself saying… “not a bad idea; good for use in the backyard, especially if your neighbors won’t put up with the sound of your driver blasting balls into a practice net.”
The patent is USPN 7347790 titled “golf swing training device.” The patent describes the invention as:
I describe the invention as… a deformable foam ball with two flat Velcro angles surfaces:
A corresponding Velcro patch to attach to the club face:
So that you can smack away and analyze where you struck the ball… heel to toe… crown to sole…
I think this invention would be pretty good for those 5-minute backyard practice sessions. Sure hitting a real ball with impact tape on the club face is probably better, but this looks like a pretty good idea for those of us that don’t have a practice net, or don’t want to drive our neighbors nuts with the sound of a 460 cc titanium driver smashing into a golf ball at 100+ mph.
David Dawsey – Watching Golf Training Inventions and Patents
PS – check out these prior posts on training devices here, here, here, here, here, and here