A Look at Lie Adjustability
Last week Golf-Patents features a post on loft adjustability, therefore I figured that this week a look at lie adjustability was in order.
As with loft adjustability, the USPTO conveniently places all the patents directed to lie adjustability in a single class (473/248). I was surprised to find only 77 patents have been assigned to this class since 1790 (some of which I would not consider to be primarily directed to lie adjustability)!
The earliest patent directed to lie adjustability is USPN 1535707, which issued in 1925. Check out these drawings from this patent.

I would not want to hit anything other than a putt with that club!
Now, on the opposite end of the spectrum… the most recent patent in this class that I consider directed to lie adjustability is USPN 6857969, which issued to Acushnet on February 22, 2005. The ‘969 patent describes the invention as:
A golf club head having a stamped metal cup-shaped front section welded to a cast body, and a split hosel comprising upper and lower hosel elements, both integrally cast within the body of the club head for reduction of weight in the hosel area. The lower hosel element including varying boss members for receiving the bottom of a shaft. Each individual boss member having a shaft opening corresponding to a pre-determined club lie and club face angle.
Check out this figure from the ‘969 patent:

It should be fun watching the “adjustability” explosion. I wonder what clubs will look like, and be capable of, in ten years?
Dave Dawsey – The Adjustable Patent Lawyer
PS – You can learn about Acushnet’s recent COR adjustability patent here
PPS – If you want to see all 77 patents related to lie adjustability simple click here enter ccl/473/248 in the Query field and select “1790 to present” from the Select Years pull-down… and hit the Search button