Review of the First Episode of “Fore Inventors Only” on The Golf Channel – A Lot of Whiffs and Shanks, but a Fun Show to Watch

The first episode of “Fore Inventors Only” was a success. The show is at least as good as the American Inventor show, and frankly I like it better. OK, so now my review of the inventions… (in the order that they appeared on the show)

1) Topen Hat “A Cooler Hat Experience”– cure for hot headed golfers
Panel: packin’
The IP Golf Guy’s Evaluation:
Marketability: double bogey
Protectability: double bogey

2) Power Stance – lower body power alignment base with elevated rear foot support and ball position alignment system
Panel: pass
The IP Golf Guy’s Evaluation:
Marketability: par
Protectability: par

3) Time Ball – 5 minute ball search timer
Panel: pass
The IP Golf Guy’s Evaluation: I agree with Stina… there is just no market for this 
Marketability: double bogey
Protectability: double bogey
4) Golf Stand and Sit Bag – carry bag with fold-out seat
Panel: pass
The IP Golf Guy’s Evaluation: Again, I agree with Stina… golfers don’t want extra weight on carry bags. 
Marketability: double bogey
Protectability: double bogey

5) Core Muscle Rubber Band Contraption
Panel: packin’
The IP Golf Guy’s Evaluation: 
Marketability: double bogey
Protectability: double bogey
Notes: The panel evaluation was funny because the inventor referred to David Ledbetter as David Letterman
6) Fairway Fan – golf cart fan
Panel: pass
The IP Golf Guy’s Evaluation: 
Marketability: par
Protectability: bogey (despite the fact that she has a patent, see notes below)
Notes: The inventor really emphasizes how she obtained a patent on her invention. The invention is just so basic that I had to check it out. The invention is covered by USPN 6886270. Unfortunately for the inventor, the patent contains a single claim that is fairly narrow. In other words, a competitor could relatively easily design around the patent and launch a similar competing product.

7) Club Glider – travel bag with pivoting support legs
Panel: pass
The IP Golf Guy’s Evaluation: 
Marketability: ace
Protectability: par

8) E-Caddy – electronic caddy mumbling encouraging statements in computer generated voice
Panel: packin’
The IP Golf Guy’s Evaluation: 
Marketability: double bogey
Protectability: double bogey

9) Double Tee – notched tee
Panel: packin’
The IP Golf Guy’s Evaluation: 
Marketability: double bogey
Protectability: double bogey

10) Glove Caddy
Panel: pass (because she was a cute inventor)
The IP Golf Guy’s Evaluation: 
Marketability: double bogey
Protectability: double bogey
Notes: I agree with Stina… if a guy pitched this they would have sent her packin’

11) The Million Dollar Reusable Impact Tape (sensitive enought that it works for putting)
Panel: pass
The IP Golf Guy’s Evaluation: 
Marketability: par
Protectability: par
Notes: I don’t know how large the impact tape market is, but I can’t imagine how this guy will ever recoup his million dollar investment!

12) Golf Ball Launcher
Panel: packin’
The IP Golf Guy’s Evaluation: 
Marketability: double bogey
Protectability: double bogey
Notes: The inventor mentioned that the device is “patent pending,” so I thought I would check it out. Well, it is and the application has published as US Pub. No. 20060283433. It will be interesting to see if the application is granted a patent.

13) Golf Telebag – telescoping hard case
Panel: pass
The IP Golf Guy’s Evaluation: 
Marketability: birdie
Protectability: par
14) Lower Your Handicap Hat – horse blinders for the golfer
Panel: packin’
The IP Golf Guy’s Evaluation: 
Marketability: double bogey
Protectability: double bogey
So what was my favorite invention? Drum roll please… The invention that I thought was the best was actually not evaluated by the panel; it was in a commercial for the Adidas Power Band shoes. Congratulations Adidas.

But seriously, as for the best invention evaluated by the panel… there is no question, it was the Club Glider. IF the invention is protectable then the inventor could make millions off of it.

Now, regarding the panelists… Bill Harmon comes off as an elitist know-it-all and I predict that he will be replaced if the show makes it to a second season. Otherwise, Stina Sternberg and Fulton Allem are great.

Congratulations Golf Channel on a great show! Check it out.

David Dawsey – The Golf Invention Attorney

PS – now the disclaimer… the opinions above are not legal opinions and are not supported by any research! Additionally, what does a patent attorney know about marketability? Generally nothing, but given that I have been a golf nut for over 20 years, I think I know a little about golf products that have been successful and those that have been a flop.

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