Patent of the Week: Another Pat on the Back for Nelson Precision Casting; Patenting Club Head Manufacturing Methods

Nelson Precision Casting has received a lot of mentions on this blog for a company that I had not even heard of three months ago. Today Nelson continued their golf club head manufacturing patent streak with USPN 7,186,191 titled “Method of Making a Golf Club Head Having a Brazed Striking Plate.” The ‘191 patent is directed to a method of brazing the striking plate of a club head to the body of the club head.


Most people do not appreciate the potential power wielded by method of manufacturing patents. For instance, sure the ‘191 patent doesn’t cover the broad concept of a club head with a titanium striking face insert, but what if the ‘191 patent’s brazing method reduces the manufacturing cost five dollars per club head or what if it simply results in a more secure connection? Potentially very valuable…


It this topic interests you then check out my prior post discussing Acushnet’s patent application directed to the use of explosion welding to join the striking surface of a club to the club head. As I expressed in that post, there is no doubt that material joining technology will take club head design and construction to the next level.


David Dawsey – Monitoring Golf’s Intellectual Property Environment


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