IP Grab of the Week: Callaway’s Liquid Filled Golf Ball

The “IP Grab of the Week” award goes to Callaway for their golf ball patent application titled “Liquid-Filled Golf Ball With Preferential Internal Structures.” The application is absolutely fascinating and leaves one thinking “why didn’t I think of that?” The invention is described as:

A golf ball having a spherical shell with a plurality of internal structures is disclosed herein. A fluid material is disposed within the spherical shell. The plurality of internal structures effect the spin decay of the golf ball.

The application goes on to disclose that the fluid is preferably corn syrup, alcohol, water, propylene, glycol, or mineral oil. It is amazing to read about the effect the liquid passing through the “preferential internal structures” has on the spin of a golf ball.


Callaway undoubtedly has some innovative people on staff! Congratulations.

Dave Dawsey – The Lawyer with a Passion for Golf Ball Patents

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